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Student Bill of Rights

Right 8

Modern Technology

All students have the right to access modern technology to use for their education.

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Let's Discuss:

  • What kind of technology does your school make available to students?
  • How do you think technology can supplement education?
  • Are your teachers open to using technology in the classroom?
  • Do you think technology has changed education? If so, how?
  • What can your school do to prepare students for a technologically advancing world? What do they do currently?
  • Does your school take into account affordability of technology?
  • Does technology impact standardized testing at your school? If so, how?

More about technology in schools

Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revlution and Schooling in America
“The digital revolution in education is well under way, with more and more learners plugged into the online world. How can schools make the most of both the technology and the learning potential of today’s “born digital” students? In this new edition of their groundbreaking book, Collins and Halverson argue that new technologies have transformed our workplaces, our lives, and our culture and it is time we take the next step to transform learning―in and out of schools. The authors show how, over time, public schooling was so successful that it became synonymous with education. But new technologies risk making schools obsolete and this book explains why and how today’s educators, policymakers, and communities must adapt to provide all learners with access to the new learning tools of the 21st century.”
How Technology is Shaping the Future of Education | The Business Insider
“New technologies like AI, machine learning, and educational software aren't just changing the field for students, they're shaking up the role of educators, creating philosophical shifts in approaches to teaching, and remodeling the classroom.”